The Many Benefits of Cloud Accounting Software
The Many Benefits of Cloud Accounting Software
By: Danielle Cottle, CPA, CGMA- Manager
Business owners have many choices available to them in regards to accounting software. We, as accountants, love that we can help our clients select something that best fits their needs. One of the options available is cloud-based software. The cloud is an internet platform that allows you access data anytime… from anywhere. And the most appealing part of cloud-based software for many business owners is the peace of mind in knowing that they always have access to current financial information. Everything provided to you through cloud-based software is presented in real time. Pretty appealing stuff to many modern day business owners.
Imagine links to your bank accounts, your credit cards, right there through the software- all you must do is code your business transactions to the proper account to keep your financials current. Dream about the absence of prompts to update your accounting software because a glitch is found or a newer version is available- cloud-based accounting software takes care of all of these things automatically. Envision not having to back up your accounting files in case of a crash- no back up needed when you are using the cloud.
These are all big draws for many business owners, but the convenience associated with cloud-based accounting software really seals the deal for many. Instead of needing to be stationed at the same computer or laptop time and time again to access your files, the cloud-based option allows you remote access from virtually anywhere with internet access. You could be at your child’s soccer game and check your phone to see how sales for the business went for the day. Or, you could be on an airplane and pull out your tablet and check in on the financials for the business with no issue. You get the idea… access to your software from anywhere, on any device.
The idea of switching to cloud-based software can be daunting to some. Sticking to traditional software remains the best option for them and their business. To each his own. Just be sure to be using software of some sort to set your business up for success. Contact the Business Services and Solutions Team today to review all software options available to you.