QuickBooks Tricks to Know

By: Linda Lehman, Senior Assistant Accountant
We all use software which may contain helpful features that we are either not aware of or have forgotten about from our initial training.
Here are a few of my favorites in QuickBooks…
What would I do without this handy tool!
Let’s say you just entered a transaction in the amount of $175.32. You look at your report & it didn’t show up where you thought it would. What happened to it??? Here’s how to find it…
In the top menu bar, click on Edit, then Find, choose the Advanced tab. Filter to Amount, click on the = radio button, then enter 175.32 in the field to the right. Click Find. This will then show you all transactions for the amount $175.32. This will help you find the one you just entered. You can then double click on the transaction & edit if you need to.
Find has many ways to search QuickBooks – based on the Filters you choose.
if you are like me, you may have multiple windows open in QuickBooks that you want to work with.
In the top menu bar, the Window feature will allow you to manage all the windows you currently have open. Here are some options:
Close All-After working in QB for a few hours you may have multiple windows open, but now want to close them all. Just click on Close All to avoid closing each one individually
Tile vertically or Tile Horizontally –Clicking this item will arrange the open windows vertically or horizontally so you can easily move between them.
Cascade- this feature will layer the windows so you can have one in the foreground, but easily see the titles of the other windows you have open.
Also, in the Window feature you will see a list of all the windows you have open. You can easily click on this list to choose the one you want to see.
Transfer Funds
do you need to transfer funds from one bank account to another?
This handy feature makes transferring fund very simple. To find this function, click on Banking in the top menu bar, then chose Transfer Funds.
In this window, simply enter the Date, Class (if applicable), the bank accounts you are transferring the funds between, and the Transfer Amount. You can also enter a memo if you like. Once you save the transaction it will generate the transfer in QuickBooks.
QuickBooks has a wide variety of “hidden” tools to help manage your data and reporting. Reach out to our team today to learn more.